Sunday, October 20, 2019

Santa Fe

Santa Fe

After the excitement of Balloon Fiesta, we headed up to Santa Fe and the off grid quiet of Black Canyon Campground in the Santa Fe National Forrest. A small (30+ sites), no water or power campground, Black Canyon is in stark contrast to what we had experienced at Albuquerque. Set in a small, steep walled canyon 7 miles and a thousand feet in elevation above the capital city of New Mexico, Black Canyon is a beautiful spot to spend a few days in nature. Note: BC is immediately next to Hyde Memorial State Park. There are tall pines and cool breezes and the campsites are widely spaced from each other. The entire facility appears to have been refurbished just recently and all the facilities including the vault toilets were in excellent condition. We backed in, leveled up and put the slides out. This was to be our home for almost a week. However an approaching cold front with temps in the teens and 25-30 mph winds would initiate our early departure.

Black Canyon Campground

Winnie at Black Canyon
We went into Santa Fe mid afternoon to shop for groceries (an event that happens every 3-4 days with a small RV fridge). We got some ready assembled meals as well as the basics, then cruised around Santa Fe briefly to check out the architecture. ( very cool, lots of old  buildings in various styles) then climbed back up the canyon to camp by late afternoon. A walk around the campsite with CJ, then dinner and settling in for the night. Heat was going to be needed as you could see your breath when I took CJ for his last walk. That meant running the propane furnace. No problem, however the blower motor will pull quite a few amps and necessitate charging either by solar panels or generator in the morning to maintain a full charge. (solar in BC is sketchy with the large pines). We stayed warm enough, but I felt sorry for the tent dwellers in the morning. Temps were in the low 30's and those outside when I walked CJ at first light were in heavy coats and hats. One camper, having a motorcycle for transportation,  didn't have the option of climbing in the car and turning on the heat for warmth. A campfire would have to suffice.

large selection of second hand boots at Encore

nice walking/bike trail near light rail line
We made breakfast, headed down again to Santa Fe, this time to visit the Library and publish a BLOG entry, then over to a local eater for some southwest cuisine in a dog friendly environment (check Bring Fido). La Choza provided us with a tasty lunch, fine service and CJ would go there again if the opportunity presents itself. It is located near the light rail line and a walking/bike path. After lunch, we headed into old town and the Governors' Palace. There, under a centuries old portico, Pueblo Artisans sell authenticated crafts such as jewelry, baskets and drums. CJ and I , after parking only a short distance away, did a quick look at the various wares, then headed across the street to the park. Cindy did some shopping and decided on a silver ring engraved with Native symbols (bison, sun, arrow and bear). While Cindy was shopping, CJ and I snagged an empty park bench. We were only seated a minute or two when an older couple approached and asked if they could sit there as well. Of course. We got to talking, and the woman asked where I was from. Pennsylvania. Where in Pa? Lancaster County. " I graduated from Lancaster General Hospital School of Nursing"! Again a small world. They live in Texas for the last 60 years! Cindy returned with her purchase, we bid safe travels to our new acquaintances and returned to camp.

Light Rail nicely done in Santa Fe

Turquoise Trail attraction - pretty desolate

Lunch time! - nice place, great food!
After another chilly night, we headed out to travel the Turquoise Trail. An older road, just East of I25, that runs through the area where they mined a lot of turquoise. It's pretty rugged country and the part that we explored was pretty forlorn. My hat is off to those who attempted to make a living there. Upon returning, we were monitoring the weather and decided that we would pack up and get headed East. The forecast was calling for lows in the 20's over night and 25-30 mph winds. I could see no sense sitting in the RV through that. So By dusk, everything was packed up for an early departure.

Native Craftsmen display their wares at Governors'' Mansion - Santa Fe
The next morning, we were closed up and I pulled the wheel chocks while Cindy started the RV. I gave here the go ahead and she move forward off the leveling blocks and as she did, there was a loud scraping noise! In my haste (not a good thing with RVs) I forgot we had put down the rear levelers!) They survived and passed a function test as well as did not show any error codes on the panel. WHEW!

With that situation in hopefully under control, we headed East onto I 25 for our last New Mexico destination - Las Vegas and the small museum there. During the Spanish American Was in 1898, a few of Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders had come from that area and the town's museum had a small display of artifacts. We arrived right at the 10 am opening, I entered and got a brief tour (the entire space is only about 600 sq ft)  and returned to the RV. The high winds I mentioned above were coming and due to hit Las Vegas around 11 am. Time to make tracks! We experienced a bit of buffeting, but in a manner of 10-15 miles, we were pulling ahead of them and the rest of the day, until we reached our stop for the night, the KOA in Amarillo,  they were behind us. Once we got there, things changed dramatically!

my favorite President!
Our stay at Black Canyon was enjoyable and Santa Fe is worth a visit. If the weather was a bit more cooperative, we might have taken in a few of the museums. Mid September would be a better time for camping at those higher elevations (over 8000 ft)

take care - CJ

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